(614) 259-8786
8922 Lyra Dr. , Columbus, OH, 43240
Atone Chiropractic was founded in Columbus, OH in July of 2018. We believe in community outreach, treating people the way we would want to be treated, and helping our practice members attain their best lives possible. We serve anyone with a spine and nervous system, whether they currently have symptoms or not. Our loyalty is to those that desire to be healthier tomorrow than they are today and those that want to reach their full potential. We have a particular passion for serving children and families and that passion comes from the life changing results we get to witness every day. Every single cell, tissue, and organ in your body has a direct nerve supply and is under the control of your central nervous system i.e. your brain and spinal cord. In short, every function within the body is regulated through the nerve system – growth, development, sleep, energy, digestion, healing and repair, strength, stamina, reproduction, immune system function, concentration, focus, cognition, and millions more.
Dr. Joseph Benne has spent years learning and practicing the most advanced and scientifically researched chiropractic techniques available. Using these techniques, he is able to locate the very specific areas of increased tension along the spinal column which interfere with the signals going to and from the brain and the body. Chiropractors call these areas of increased tension, subluxations. When Dr. Joseph corrects the subluxations you and your children have, it allows your brain and body to be at one, which leads to optimal function and health. Health is really all about. How well you are functioning determines how truly healthy you are. It’s more than just ‘feeling good’; it’s about functioning at your ultimate potential. When your body is functioning at 100%, you have the innate ability to adapt to anything that occurs in your environment and you can continually maintain optimal health. Decreased health results from a decreased ability to adapt to stressors (i.e. chemical, mental, and physical stressors). A decreased ability to adapt simply means you aren’t functioning at your highest level.