Logo / Main Slider Image
- The image / logo you are uploading is too large for website use. Please ensure that each image / logo is not larger than 1mb. If you are resizing the image using Photoshop or Canva, make sure the width of the image is no larger than 2200px for the slider and 600px for the logo.
- Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png.
TIP: Ideally, don't use a vertical image (portrait) for the slider, only use a horizontal image (landscape)for the slider.
Multi-Image display:
- Make sure the image is not too large (not larger than 1mb and less than 2200px) for each image
- Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png.
- Depending on your membership type, your profile page will only display a limited amount of images
Free = 2 images
Pearl = 3 images,
Emerald = 6 images
Diamond = 9 images
Pro = 9 images)
***Maximum 1mb per image
Please ask your clients to review your business by using the "Review Vendor" form at the bottom of your public profile page.
Directory listings fall based on package tier with free being on the bottom. Within those tiers they are listed alphabetically.
Check out our membership page >> You can also reach out to us on our Contact Page if you have more questions or if you would like to become a Pro Partner member.
This page is reserved for our Pro Partners, who pay for a monthly subscription. (Include link to Pro Partner Packages page)
Oct 24, 2021. Email us at info@devotedpros.com to see how you can participate in the next show.
I will certainly be there and I cannot wait! I will be the first one to arrive with my assistant and will be the last one to leave :)
Every paid directory listing is able to submit at least one coupon.
This is an a la carte advertising option. Email us at info@devotedpros.com for pricing.
Schedule a time to discuss what options we can provide that best help your company grow. Email us at info@devotedpros.com or call us (614) 787-1840.
Become a Pro Partner! Email us at info@devotedpros.com to learn more or sign up as a Pro Partner.
We do not. In order to be referred to our brides you must partner with us (Pro Partner).